Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Last night, I set up an Etsy store. I figured I should try and sell some of the huge stacks of original art I have that are just filling drawers, doing no one any good. I could use some extra cash and while I'm generally very attached to my art, there's no real reason to hold onto it if I have decent scans of it. Lots of it is just a part of a final image anyway. So, for anyone reading, here's the link:

Mike's Etsy Store


Behemoth media said...

At worst you won't sell anything, at best, you'll do really well and maybe get your name out there more. I was thinking of doing something like this for my acrobat and animal drawings... just make sure you get a reasonable amount for your original drawings! I cherish the ones your gabs me!

T' said...

It's going to be the 'don't sell anything' option. I sold two pieces immediately but they were to a Boston friend. Since then, not a nibble, which is what I expect from now on. Drawings are priced very reasonably at 40-60 bucks. It won't break my heart not to have to part with them, but selling would have been really nice and validating, too.

Behemoth media said...

That seems too little! Sometimes people will buy things because the price is higher, i guess they feel that makes the item more "legit"... or something. My hesitation is that while I can put the stuff online, I have no idea how to promote or market it... neither of os seem to be know much about that aspect!