Monday, February 12, 2018

Got a very cool book for my birthday, and it's a dangerous one; it's an overview of the art of Jamie Hewlett. A fan favorite, his work almost begs to be adapted or at least absorbed into my and many other people's style. That being said, I've never really looked at a lot of it at one time and I am amazed how much Jack Davis is in there. I have a big book on him, too. The things I've taken away from this so far are that; I'm too damned tight, a constant problem, and also that I should trust a bit more to instinct and less on direct observation. This goes against what I've done for the first section but as this is about graffiti writing, or at least that's the backdrop, I think it makes sense. So I did some quick warm up sketches this morning on my iPad and Procreate, trying not to even reference my own drawings for Silas' head. And of course now, in this moment, it went pretty well. Just have to figure out how to stay this loose when doing the comic.

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