Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Yesterday was not a good day. The response to "City Silent" was exceedingly disappointing. Not surprising, just disappointing. Of even the few folks that 'liked' the posts made in various places, none of my friends actually downloaded the comic (those that didn't get one sent to them, like you, Vince) and altogether, only five people sought it out. That's pretty harsh. I made a page of Biograph that's very blunt about my feelings, but it's the first page of that comic I'm not posting anywhere. I really don't want to have to defend how I feel and when I get so blunt, sometimes I get comments (not from you, Vince) that try and take me to task. I made this one today, posted it, just didn't put any text in it. If anyone wants to know, they can ask though I think it says what I want it to without dialogue.

More likely than not, any further pages of City Silent, if any, will be posted here and on my flickr account only. I'm quite tired of trying to get interest in my work. I can't not make it, but if I am truly making it 'just for me,' then I might as well do that very thing.


Behemoth media said...

Sadly appropriate... and sadly I'm not in a much better space these days. I don't even have a crappy retail job to fall back on! I'd love to be able to draw comics ¼ as good as you do.

T' said...

Well, I never left retail. Unlike you, I never really tried to reach my way out of it. So I'm still here mostly because I don't have any other marketable skills. As for drawing comics, don't know that I'm that skilled there, either. You do great with lots of other things. And besides Diptards, have you done many comics? Because you draw great.

Behemoth media said...

The diptards are the upper limit of my cartooning skills I think. I kick around the idea of just learning to draw better cartoons over the course of a year and doing nothing else, but that never happens. I could make much better 3d characters if I could draw comics, i just take a basic model and pull and push polygons until i find something I hate less than i thought I would. If I could draw them out first I could have something to work from and be a lot more productive. I have always sort of made my own work, it's just not working out lately. I was a personal trainer for 15 years, starting before there were any at the gyms I knew of, then got into digital print work when we were all using rub on letters to make ads (remember those?). My ex Toby saw a couple of my super 8 films when I digitized them and that holiday, bought me a nice digital video camera and that started me more seriously into film again. I couldn't get money for fiction films or and even docs were costing too much so I had been given Cinema 4d form a client to help out on something and started animating because I could do it pretty much alone. I rolled those skills into my PBS work etc. So I left retail which I hated except my time with you at the picnic and just seem to end up places and doing stuff!