Thursday, February 22, 2018

I'm in love with this particular brush in Procreate. Threw my back out today doing nothing at all so can't do much at the moment. Was able to do this and am glad I did. The texture of this brush is unlike anything I know in real life. If I knew where to get one, I would and would paint like crazy, so I'm glad I don't know. Making digital paintings takes up so much less room and is such less trouble.


Behemoth media said...

I keep hearing great things about procreate. Threw your back out? I hate that, it happens too often with me. I cracked a rib in Vermont 2 weeks ago and I'm just back to the gym and pool this week.

T' said...

The iPad Pro and Procreate mark the first time I've really enjoyed making digital art from scratch. The image above took me -maybe- a half hour, probably less. It's just FUN. As for the gym... yah, haven't been in over a year because lazy. :"D

Behemoth media said...

I have to say, much as a I love drawing on paper, it IS more fun endless stressful to draw digitally. I thought I might kill myself taking a week off the gym but I was REALLY OK with not going for that week.