Tuesday, June 05, 2018

City Silent page 45. I've only posted up to 43 online as they were out of order. Used the iPad more than anything else on this page; Silas was pencilled and inked as usual but the window, bricks and graffiti were all done with Procreate not least of which because I could distort those elements far better there than anywhere else. To my eye, they work together fine and I don't think anyone would think they were made with such different tools. I'll admit that this song is, visually, a bit one-note, but I wanted a typical night spent by the crow and that's what this is. There is a 'payoff' page at the end, which I am dreading because it's a lot of work. I think, in the overall, it will work fine. And there will be time and place for things to get a lot wilder later on. The comic proceeds, I'm happy with it.

This next part really is just for me. There seems to be even more ugliness online these days, having to do mostly with politics and bad behavior all around the planet. There's no way to even tell what's truth and what's not. I honestly think we live in a time nearly devoid of it and no sure way to determine truth available to the average person. I don't react to it online as I think that's both a waste of energy and emotion. I am outraged but shaking my fist at the internet does no one any good. I vote, I do my job and I treat people as they ought to be treated which, being in retail, means a lot. All that being said, I am somewhat coccooned, and I know it. What I am doing is trying to make something of beauty while I'm alive. That's what these comics and art are all about. I don't expect others will go for them. At the end of the day, I hope I can at least say that I didn't add to the ugliness of humankind. It's sad that this is now considered a huge step. And beauty is relative. I think I achieve it here and there. My movement forward, as small as it may be.


Behemoth media said...

There are still ways to tell what's true or not but it takes A LOT of work now. The news is terrible and avoids basic fact checking over 'controversy" these days. I check scopes still, they still have good sources for now. You certainly don't add to mankind's ugliness, and your art makes thing s a little better for those of us who get to see it. I never got on facebook, twitter etc... too negative too many trolls and too much drama. I personally just try to be of service to those around me when I can and do my stuff with as little contact with what is going on as possible. I think it's important to be informed, but seriously... who is giving out actual information these days?

T' said...

I yearn for the days of Walter Cronkite.

Behemoth media said...

I try and watch the PBS news hour when I can, they still have reliable sources and guests that know things and are not just pundits. It's on at time Robin is home so he talks though anything I have on so I rarely get to see it these days. The CBC in English and french is not bad either. The advantages of living outside the USA!