Friday, June 01, 2018

Same drill as the last page; layouts on the iPad, finish on the mac. Managed to get TWO pages of two different comics done today. To be fair, the character and graffiti for the City Silent page were done before, but I don't think that matters. Just made me a little lazier. Ghiroy is a fun little nothing. I still really like drawing the characters and shoving it all together. Wish it didn't take so long to make as it feels as if the plot is slow and yet it's only 22 pages into the story.


Behemoth media said...

I'd be confused doing two different stories at once on one day I think! Then again, I'm pretty confused in general. Even with my stuff, the iPad seems to making things go faster so far. Seeing all those pages together I'm amazed at how consistent the look is for the whole thing. You are really doing great with it's look and feel despite the periods of time between images sometimes.

T' said...

Funny you should mention consistency; I was looking over Ghiroy and thinking the exact opposite. In fact, I thought things were getting too 'realistic,' and as such, I went back to the opening image and am trying to model things off that version. You'll see in the next post. As to keeping the styles straight in my head, I don't always and often have to work to shift gears. Be a lot easier if I didn't have more than one.