Thursday, April 11, 2019

Haven't been drawing much this last week as scheduling has been a problem. That being said, it's also an issue trying to remain focused on Ghiroy and not wander off into other styles or work. I recently rearranged some stuff in the studio which had me going through and getting rid of a lot of my books. Reference books just aren't as much a thing as they used to be as there's so much more varied and accessible information on the web. There are still some books I don't want to do without, some of which capture work or information in ways the web can't. I just really don't need any more books. Really. And the danger of flipping through any given art book is suddenly wanting to do something like THIS or THAT which takes my head and hand out of the task in front of me which, currently, is Ghiroy. Sometimes I can exorcise art demons like this, with quick, ten minute sketches. Sometimes I can't. Portraiture is a favorite and I miss doing it. Again, it's not related to the comic. Must keep focused.


Behemoth media said...

I recently got rid of a few books and freed up some space and then started on thinking i should also get rid of the few LPs I have lying around... most of which are picture disks or rare - so I should try and sell them. I have afew comics I am not sure what to do with either. I feel bad doing this until it's done, then I feel like ther eis less clutter in my life. And I'll have space to put my Happy Houseboat toy on disply in my office....

T' said...

I got rid of the last two LPs I own because I've had them digitally for years. And I hate vinyl. Going through books, I find I just don't need all the reference ones any more, except for some really rare ones or those with information that no one else really cares about, like the artists behind 60s and 70s pinball machines. Less clutter is a good thing. I have far too much.