Friday, April 12, 2019

New Ghiroy page. There was kind of an artist block on this one so it sat for a few days. Today, the block broke and I managed to go from zero to done. Which makes me happy. Sometimes there are days when I don't think I can do this and/or that what I'm doing has no value. This doesn't help. Eventually, I get through and I think Ghiroy is a stronger comic because of it. I cannot WAIT til the group gets around the corner to a torch or some OTHER form of light so I can add some other colors. I think the palette works fine for the moment. I just want a change. And there will be.


Behemoth media said...

Have you been changing/rewriting the story as you redo the pages? Seems like a good way to streamline things overall and tighten stuff up you might have missed the first pass!

T' said...

I've done some rewriting, yes. It's still mostly the same thing, same idea. It's a kind of editing process.