Tuesday, July 02, 2019

More portrait practice. This time, a character from an old Star Trek episode. I collect little snapshots of people and actors that I mean to paint later. This was one of those. Had some trouble and had to approach this a couple of times, finally using a grid, which I don't often do. That's fine, it worked. Also, wasn't using the inked lines until it became obvious that I needed to. So. Each one has to be approached differently.


Behemoth media said...

This is a really good likeness, I knew who it was immediately!

T' said...

Thanks! Does this mean you're home from Spain?

Behemoth media said...

I am, came back Saturday evening. Nice city, but it was the worst heatwave recorded I think and they lost our luggage for the entire trip except the last night! I didn't get to sketch or take as many photos as I like to. :(

T' said...

Wow. Sorry you had such a bad experience.

Behemoth media said...

Was not the worst trip ever, but the heat was really the worst since if you went outside, day or night, you couldn't get away from it.