Friday, September 18, 2020

More diversions


So... remember that part where I gave up cartooning? Yah. So, some guys I was doing an online comic with a few years ago suddenly popped up wanting to restart said comic again. And suddenly I'm trying to find myself an avatar so I can join in. The comic was called, "The Party Line," and is really just about three cartoonists talking about... whatever. Art, cartooning, life. That's it. Just some blokes talking and cartooning about it. Even the first time around, I could NOT stay with one style, partially because I never felt that I was doing that well with any of them. We haven't even started and already I'm doing the same thing. They're showing in reverse order; the lower ones I was working on, feeling I was finally coming to something that was pretty well conceived. And then I was shown the work of this cartoonist named Boulet, who is a lot rougher and more emotional. And so of course I wanted to try that. And now...well, there you go. Makes me miss real ink as well. No idea how this is going to go, but if I can make a mess of it, I certainly will.

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