Sunday, November 29, 2020

Decided to play around with some of the gouache brushes in Procreate. I'm sort of doing the same thing with the 'cut paper' style stuff, so why not just go there instead of having to use AD? There's even some brushiness to it that I like. Colors were suggested by a filter app I got for my phone recently. I prefer them to real colors anyway.


Behemoth media said...

I can't pin point why but I like the colours in this one quite a bit. They just work. the brush strokes give it a real medium feel, especially looking at the larger version. Finally, it's quite the expression!

T' said...

Thanks. I think the colors work pretty well, too. I did use a photo that had been filtered so the colors sort of came from that. I did have to repaint some areas, but like the way you can see that in the closeup. Things aren't so polished, which is good. The expression...that's just resting selfie face. :D