Sunday, December 27, 2020

Let's see if the video works...if it does, the top bit is the process video of my last abstract of the year. If not, there's the finished version below. Made in Procreate while watching a lecture on artist David Park. I would never have heard of him if someone hadn't given me a book on him. He's worth looking up. This image looks nothing like his work, which is fine but when given the spark, try and make a fire, even a little one.


Behemoth media said...

The video works! Nice painting, I was surprised to see the head and neck started out at as such a simple solid shape.

T' said...

Thanks. I posted the video because I was afraid people might think this was some kind of filter I put over a photo. Also made it because my sister is playing a little with art and I thought this might help her out. SOMEtimes I can just attack an image like this and it works. Sometimes.

Behemoth media said...

That is a problem everyone has now I think! People think everything is a filter and many honestly don't even the see the difference between a filer and something that was done by hand. It certainly worked this time!

B the Bear said...

I like the video. It’s always interesting to me to see how many layers/steps go into a piece like this.

T' said...

Thank you, B (Brian?)!