Tuesday, October 19, 2021

 I really wanted to listen to records and draw today, but as is often the case, I didn't know what I wanted to draw. When that happens, I usually either go to a self portrait or Rembrandt. Today was the latter. This style, which is still sort of the "cut paper" thing in that I try and boil the image down to the bare essentials. I also try to keep the color palette very limited as well. When I worked this out in Procreate, there were a lot more levels of gray but that was mostly just to help me keep the layers apart until I'd sent them through SuperVectorizer. Once I got them into AD, the color reassignment came pretty quickly. A last minute overlay brought the whole thing together. I'm pretty happy with it and think this is a very sustainable style, possibly even commercial. We can only see.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

That happened quickly! I got close to nowhere ln my drawing as things kept coming up. I finally jsut took the dog to the park. Ypu seem to a real fascination for this guy... LOL