Tuesday, November 09, 2021

 I've not been able to do my actual job in over 18 months. They canceled in-store classes not long after new year last year and since then, I've just been selling stuff. Yesterday, someone asked me to do a painting demo to show customers one of the cool things they could be doing on an iPad. Since I always have mine with me, I was able to use my own brushes and stuff which was fun. Didn't have many takers but I manages a fun little Vincent-like painting in about half an hour.


Behemoth media said...

I hope you get back to doing this more often! It must make the work day pass faster and every drawing helps one improve, I think. I have a bunch of projects loaded on the iPad for my trip to Boston , I will be spending hours in the airport and 4 hours on a bus to Provincetown and then 4 hours back! I plan to draw directly from sight on the beach and hopefully read the novel Metropolis was based on.

T' said...

I don't expect to be doing too much more of this, but it was nice this time. Have a good time in Boston!

Behemoth media said...

I am hoping it is a sign of some things getting back to normal at some point. The Boston trip will wear me down as much as it picks me up this time. It's a week longer than normal with 3 times the stuff i have to do. The end of it I tried to schedule less intense stuff and a couple days with Keamy usually calms me down and I will need that!