Thursday, March 17, 2022

 Didn't have the wherewithal to do the figure work for the City Silent page and I'd already started in this sketch a few days ago so decided to finish it. Likenesses for celebrities are hard. That being said, I'm pretty happy with this one. It's minimal but I think it's still obvious who it is. I could see me going back to tweak this in case of some kind of show, for a final, but I think it's otherwise done. There's a lot of observation in this and a LOT more editing when it finally got to the vectors. I try to leave as much out as possible while retaining likeness and balance of features. Also, watching a documentary series on Warhol made me want to do a little more with portraits, an itch to scratch. I think it works and made me happy to do it.


Behemoth media said...

I think drawings of people,animals or places I don't know personally are really hard. Celebrities fall inot that category as I know very few of them and even my classic monster series was hard becuase I have never seen Dracula (or Lugosi) personally. I think we see peopel we know very differently than strangers and it really shows in our work. That or I'm just terrible and looking ofr excuses!

T' said...

I think it's always harder for people that are arguably handsome or pretty as both these definitions usually mean 'fewer facial details.' So there's less to work with and more pressure on what's there being perfect.

Behemoth media said...

Also famous people are seen by millions, often on a big screen and everyone knows their features well!