Friday, March 04, 2022

 Started the next page. The top is the photo montage I made from three different photos I took when last in Boston. The two 'walls' weren't even in the same city; one is Waltham, the other Belmont. The pavement is actually from L.A. Warping them together, I got something I really liked. Translated that into a 3 color vector and threw an overlay on top of that. The color might not be final, but I like what it's doing so far. The graffiti on the door was done on the ipad. There's no blending done with it yet; I will likely lower the opacity and use a blending mode for it as well. But warped into place, I think it works. I'll like cover the walls with more graffiti to the point that the photo details won't show much but will just give the right amount of place. Then I have to get some reference photos of me at weird angles so I can draw Digby in there. I want to do more work like the top photo. That was fun and works, to my eye, really well.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

You are really having fun with the new background technique! I do similar stuff when I am composing using photos. Gives you a solid base but lots of options to play with,