Friday, January 27, 2023

 After long days at work, I often don't have much energy to do anything. But I threw on a record and managed to play with Rembrandt and the turpentine brush in Procreate. A fun enough time, just a little doodle.


Behemoth media said...

Even your little doodles show how much talent you have! I wish more people could discover how calming doing art can be.

T' said...

I was talking to one of my customers today and the discussion was about how there's a distinct lack of focus in today's culture. I think she's right. We're so pressured to multitask which generally insures that whichever things we're doing are not going to turn out that well. Doing art requires focus and attention. Even if I have music or something on in the background, I'm not paying attention to it, it's just there to keep me company or provide a little inspiration. I can feel my own work losing focus as the pressure to be distracted is so great though maybe it's also easier to ignore some of that as I get older. There is something calming and engaging about making art or doing a craft, building something, really just doing ONE thing at a time. There's a lot of great videos on YouTube showing Japanese craftspeople just making things with no dialogue. Now THERE are some focused people. Oops. Too long a reply! Thanks!

Behemoth media said...

Never too long! I agree. Artists have an ability and need to keep focused on the one thing they are working on. Some tasks I can have a podcast or music on to do but most art, even if I think I might turn on some music.. I almost never get there because I am too involved in my work. Animation REALLY needs ALL my attention and no distractions. The human mind can only do one thing at time on the conscious level so doing more than one thing means you are constantly switching from one thing to another. You can't tell me you don't lose something in that process. Writing or editing I hav ethe entire project in my head at once to keep track of, if you don't you ain't doing it right! :)