Tuesday, April 04, 2023

 Got page 149 done. Things worked out well. The flow of reading came out in the repositioning and resizing of the characters, direction helped by the perspective of the paintings. It's a bit busy but that's graffiti for you. The first word of the second track, "never," as it turns out by accident, is also a response to the end of the refrain of the first track here. Things really just fell into place with this though there are a LOT of elements.

I also made a few changes to page 148, mostly in the colors and the addition of the same windows in the background that I added to page 149. The new version has been switched out on Flickr as well. I'll leave the original on tumblr and Instagram because why bother? This is the new version:

The ONLY thing that's bugging me is that the top figure in both pages are in similar positions. So I might have to do something about that. Grr.

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