Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 Two things tonight. Top is the WIP of the Buddy Sorell portrait. I'm going to sit at least another night on that one. I like it but I want to think about it a little more. Bottom is "The City Silent" page 200, which seems like a milestone though it isn't. Simple enough to do as I reused the background from the last two pages. For the next track, I want to change the palette completely. This one worked well, I think, but I want something a little more complex both to get away from those stark purples and oranges and also to reflect Silas getting a little more confident and experienced with his own art. No idea what it's going to be yet, but that's half the fun.


Behemoth media said...

The portrait def looks like him! 200 is just a number, but it is a BIG number! It s a nice image to end the section on.

T' said...

Thanks all around. I ended up totally redoing the portrait. Wasn't a favorite.