Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 Finished this tonight and also looked up her name so I can stop referring to her as "Lady Yucca Flats." Big surprise, she's the wife of the director, Coleman Francis, one of the absolute WORST the 50s and 60s had to offer. He often shot his movies without sound so the actors are either seen from the back, have their hands over their mouths or are just off screen. Brilliant. Did a lot of work on this, think it came out better than it started but it's still not a favorite. I think it needs a bit stronger support drawing underneath. I have another one of her I might do as well. There was some learning and exploring here, so I'll take that. So. Barbara Francis. Oh, and their two kids appear in the movie as well. It's really an incomprehensible mess. With Tor Johnson.


Behemoth media said...

Tor Johnson's performance and presence didn't make the movie work by his charisma alone?

T' said...

Strangely, no. :D