Yup, the bunny stuff just doesn't get a lot of hits. My partner says it's because I've been diddling around with the designs for so long and producing no actual comics that people are tired of that. I'd agree with him except for the fact that I see lots of other people do the same thing, posting either the same character in similar poses over and over or even just doing the usual pinup and they still get notice. At some point, it has to be me. I accept that. The flipside of this is that what I'm doing now really makes me happy. I like looking at my own work. This goes against most of my life where I struggled to be able to even look at it, never mind appreciate it. So, I stopped posting work in places that didn't seem to care. And doing comics like this one I think are unhealthy. At some point, if I haven't passed that point already, I might start making this kind of comic, me being miserable on purpose just for attention. And that cannot be healthy. So I should probably stop doing Bio, too. Or just not focus so much on the negative. Or something.
i know in flickr, getting your stuff into groups gets you much more attention as people in the group go there to see similar stuff. I can never figure out who looks at what and why. I usually get about 11 views on things but the house on the cape drawing has 6o-something while the chalet drawing which I think is more interesting has 10 or something. People might like the bio and the work but not do anything more than look a the small image and never click over to the bigger version so people see it but you never know how many. I'd prefer more comments and feedback from people to help me see things I miss but that's never going to happen I think. There isn't as much community on flickr these days. I was thinking of trying deviant art… but … who knows?
I mostly forget about the groups as I never look at them and it doesn't feel fair for me to just add to a group and not offer. But yes, I can see how it would make a difference. Strangely, lately, I've noticed that I've been getting more hits here on flickr though I have no idea why. They're not huge numbers, but it's a significant increase considering I've done nothing to promote them. I guess I'll take what I can get.
I have steady numbers on my blog, nothing to write home about but they persist. How is the book selling BTW? I am seriously working up a project in my head for ibooks with my illustrations. Ypu've encouraged me to try at least!
My latest drawing on flickr has 124 views in less than 2 days but not a single favourite or comment.. does that mean people are looking at it and not liking it? Not sure I want to know. Hits are not everything!
That's way more views than I generally get. I'm happy when I pass 10. Commenting seems to be too much to hope for in general on Flickr. What does make me happy is when I get people from all over the world following me as I have NO idea how they found my stuff. I seem to do pretty well in Russia for some reason...
10 is about the limit for most of my stuff too… don't know how or why that one took off so much, the house on the cape drawing did too. I have agree account there now so I can track myself as easily as before but maybe it will help me become less obsessed with it!
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