Update on this image. I think when all is said and done, I will like this. I'm decently happy with it as it's coming along, though I think that I didn't make the background enough 'mine' in this one. I found an artist via CartoonBrew today that does a similar thing with watercolor and with a much more cartoony approach but he makes the backgrounds really HIS. So the next one will be a bit more me, I think. Still, it's coming along. Was able to add a bunch more this morning after not having been able to work on it all weekend. Should have some more time today, but for now, I'm off to run an errand or two. When I get back, I have to build a cardboard and tin foil robot costume. Shooting Movie Wrench tomorrow.
You HAVE to build a tinfoil robot costume? I can't decide if I want to move to your state or not... I sort of want a tin foil robot costume but not sure it should be mandatory. On second thought.. yes it should be.
Mandatory or no, I spent over two hours in that damned thing today, all in the name of... Steve! No wait, Art! Anyway, took me far less time to make than it did to 'act' in it. So if ever you want one, it's about an hour away! :"D
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