Thursday, September 01, 2016

After dinner, I did some tweaks to this. Layout will have to be tighter in the future as really, there should only be three paragraphs shown of the song. I eliminated one and added some paintover and moved some things around. Part of the problem is not really understanding the blue lines on the comic pages. Then again, I'm beholden to no one. Still, I think this version is better. All I had to do in PS was to heighten the contrast by 8... whatevers.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

I was thinking about what you wrote about the lettering... I guess if it's considered a poem, they should be readable but if it's more a visual prom... as I might argue some of your other work is, that's less important. And the whatever is time honoured system of measurement passed down to us from... whomever...