Friday, September 16, 2016

Another entry in the Party Line comic. This time, I touched on something that rattles around in my brain quite a lot. Art, more than ever is a popularity contest and one that changes every day, sometimes within hours of the same day. I'm not bred for that. I'm a slow burn, someone who like to pause over things and think about them. Still, I want what I do to be successful, don't I? The past year, I've basically been teaching myself not to care, not to expect anything back when I make and post art. It's a sort of calm. I guess it could be seen as sad, but if it keeps me from being depressed about making art, why is that bad? So we'll see what the other lads in the comic think of it.


Behemoth media said...

Hey! His shorts became tights at the end! I'd say you got the ballet things across despite his uncooperative physiometry. Maybe art success is like relationships and comes along when you couldn't care less about it happening. I only have my flickr account to go by, but I use the "looks" numbers to decide if I am going to delete something or not when I cull my account. Its easy o get more looks.... just add keywords like shirtless, penis, I bet adding furry to your furry character drawings in the tags would get more people looking. But who is looking and what they are getting out of it is maybe more important than how many.

T' said...

The ballet thing was an odd choice, but it seemed good at the time. No idea why I chose it. Glad it came through. One of my compatriots said it was a metaphor for the ol' 'song and dance.' I'll buy that! As for more looks on Flickr, I don't cull at all as I often find it's easier to find my own files there than on my computer. And Flickr is such a weird, leftover venue, I'm not sure I want to even try to guess how to cater to it. :"D

Behemoth media said...

Odd choices are often the best! I use flickr as a place to organize my stuff to link to my web page... its easier than trying to make a new page each time I add or subtract something. I try to host as little as possible on the server I am on and take advantage of free options... like vimeo for my video.