Saturday, February 25, 2017

Another page of this. Still a lot of fun to do. This one was far more pieced together, which is no problem with me. Makes it a little harder in the end, but the results are satisfying.


Behemoth media said...

keep going! You'll be done in no time! I spoke to my friend Ralph today... he finished his graphic novel sequel to "Gone with the Wind" after 10 years of working on it. I think he said there are 1700 hand drawn, hand water coloured drawings in it!

T' said...

I'v never done that many drawings for any one thing, nor worked that long. We'll see. This one is just meant to be a bit of fun. It's SUPPOSED to be something that gets one day a week. So far, it's been grabbing all my time because it's more fun. 1700...geez!