Updates. It looks like we've seen these before, but there have been changes made. For the first page, which is now page three, i tried to use overlays to change the tone of all the characters, but they didn't output properly which I couldn't fix. Also, with the others pages, there was more of a monochrome look to things to better highlight a single character. So I redid the colors so that this page would better match the following ones. Also, it was the wrong size. I changed a little of the titling at the top. I was going to have a page of crawl that described where they were going and what they were looking for but the hell with that. I'll let that stuff come out in natural dialogue. This is a D+D type comic. It's not supposed to be real deep.
As for the crawl itself, I actually woke up at 4am the night after I made it and thought, "Why did you write 'men' instead of 'humans?' That was rather sexist of you." No excuse that it's the old or 'proper' term. Inclusion is important. So the word was replaced, and the text was all moved a little to better frame it. Now stuff looks better and more cohesive. Moving on.
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