Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Finally, another page of this done. I've been dragging my feet even though I'm dying to see this project finished. I really believe in the story and I'm really happy with the songs (though I realize I have maybe one more to write). There's been a lot of work done on it already but it's the backgrounds that are killing me to some extent. That first cityscape, the next which is still only half done and a shot that comes after that are all rather labor intensive. I'm glad I chose to skip them and move on or I'd still be doing them. Eventually, we'll get to the singing part, after one more page, I think. Howard has to get to the stage.

I guess I'm trying to do two different things with this elongated opening sequence; show the heights and depths, from the city's spirit to the streets and even below and I'm trying to introduce the eventual style of the comic a little more slowly than usual. I want things to be a bit chaotic, a bit cubist and I don't want the colors to exactly fit the lines. It's something I've done before and maybe it's a turn off for some readers. This way, it's a little more subtle. Don't know if it will matter or not. Feels right.

This page is pretty simple and nothing much happens in it. And I'm still pretty happy with it. It's one that could easily have not worked at all though I think it came together rather well. The main figure being a silhouette was a last moment decision and I think it works, making a bridge from one area of the image to another. Bricks, though. Love the way they look, hate drawing them.


Behemoth media said...

I would say you are creating a more fully realized world in this comic, fuller background details and more integration with the characters into those backgrounds. Much more so than even in Tamino the cat.

T' said...

It's a lot more complicated than Tamino, but I hope it still has some of the same feeling. I hope also that I'm a better cartoonist. Thanks, Vince.