Monday, August 07, 2017

New page. Wasn't sure how to approach this one. Originally, there was meant to be a body in the lower right corner of the last page but I couldn't figure out how to depict it. So I put Francesca back into the composition. This meant that I needed to show all three proposed bodies together. Somehow, this just came together and I had no trouble with the figures. There is a lot more playing about with transparency and gradients here, but I don't think it will make things stand out TOO much. And this page is meant to be a kind of visual 'stop,' a more serious point in what's otherwise a pretty cartoony comic.

Lately, I've been thinking this comic isn't just a mash-up of D+D and graffiti, there's a good deal of Scooby-Doo in here as well. And that's fine.


Behemoth media said...

They are pretty creepy looking, are you sure you arent slipping into one of my projects? Lol
The sketches for these look rougher than usual for you, i think they might have helped with thier creepiness.

T' said...

Would you believe me if I said it was all in the pencil? My old one, which is pretty much too short to actually use any more is a lot lighter. This one's darker but glides more smoothly, so that's perhaps it.

Behemoth media said...

I will reluctantly believe you LOL
I always drew with an Ebony pencil, I just liked how dark they are1