Friday, December 08, 2017

Forgot to post this from yesterday. More or less, this is what that comic will look like. Slightly updated looks, less awkwardness, which also mirrors my high school experience. I'll poke at this as time allows.


Behemoth media said...

I want an iPad pro now! It actually seems like a good fit for your sketches and bio stuff.

T' said...

Once you really start drawing on one, it's addictive. And someone told me the other day that Sketchbook Pro is available for it. I'm happy with Procreate (though they've double the price; still worth it) but might look into it. It's a totally different medium and I'm just starting to get the hang of it.

Behemoth media said...

Maybe one day i'll get one... it would be great fro drawing while away. Sketchbook has the best drawing tools for me, but it's a monthly payment thing, even in the iPad I think. There might be a free version with limited features. I bought the last non subscription version for the desktop a couple years back and just hope it will keep working! I've tried Krita but it's really slow and none of the photo programs really have great drawing tools.