Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Managed this today when nothing else was working. Felt like I wasted the whole day. Maybe I did. Finally did try something new with Biography; use the iPad I bought to try and supplement my work. I think, with a bit of refining, this might work ok and I can make this something more frequent. The one thing that gets in the way of my doing more Biography is that, while I have ideas, it takes too long to draw. Don't want to spend too much time on this; it's only a journal comic. The idea is more important than the art, though I don't want just stick figures.


Vincent-louis Apruzzese said...

I have to say I like this more rough look better for biography, seems more immediate though i imagine it still takes some time to pull it off!

T' said...

Thanks. That helps. I might just move in this direction for the comic, which just hit 152 pages overall. Means I won't have to change colors every year, too. :"D