Thursday, April 05, 2018

Biograph. Haven't added too much to this lately, but there are more pages than have been posted. They're more raw, plain, blunt. I kept them to myself. This is the second one where I blank out obvious text. Last time I posted one of those, people didn't even notice there was something blanked out, I think they thought it was just part of the design. Whatever. After I thought to do this, I did it, then went to the gym for the first time in a year and a half. Turns out I missed it. So I feel better.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

Granted I was a personal trainer for 15 years, so I'm biased, but the gym or a sport anything physical is great to make your mental state better. It's something you are doing for yourself that takes you out of your head and distracts you from what's bothering you. I swim more now and if I suddenly stopped, I'd drown - good reason to stop obsessing about what's bothering me and just focus on keeping above the water. Which I guess could be a metaphor.