Tuesday, April 10, 2018

This was an experiment. I was talking to a customer at the end of my day at work and she was an artist, too. She had never heard of vectors or a lot of what I use to make my stuff. She was buying an iPad and new iMac and so I was sharing some of my work while looking at hers. Also shared some of my process. Which got me to thinking tonight about vectorizing my work. I generally just do black and white or, for the graffiti, about 15 levels of grey. I've never tried to do something close to full color. So tonight, I took one of my recent self portraits in Procreate, upped the color slider in SV all the way to 32 and let it do its thing. Then I opened the following file in AD and exported it again as a jpg. This is the result. Top version; from AD. Bottom version; original Procreate. I'm kind of impressed.

Edit: Found out there's a new version of SV that can export in up to 64 colors which is three times the what the version I have could do. So I bought it. I included its output on the bottom. It's a little softer, but obviously has a greater color range. This has a lot of possibilities and is 20 bucks well spent, I think.


Behemoth media said...

The only different I see is s lightly darker colour short, that's amazing! I just emailed SV... every-time I open it i am asked to buy a licence for SV2, which is the version I bought and its getting annoying. Plus I wonder if I am withheld some features because it's thinks I am on the free version.

T' said...

I've only had the old version of SV tell me this like once or twice. I didn't even know there was a new version (kind of annoying that it's not an upgrade but they want you to buy a whole new one). It's well worth the price. I knew that getting something as organic as this turned into vectors was going to lose some detail, but I didn't think it would be anywhere this close. This has possibilities.

Behemoth media said...

I am not unhappy with it now, but I'd like to lose that reminder. If they want me to buy a new version, it will have to wait until I have some work coming! It looks like it might save you some time or even lead you in some new directions.