Monday, January 18, 2021

 I think, until I actually have characters to go into it, the background's done. Tons of tags and graffiti all placed and warped, colored and shaded. In the end, I also added gradients to the ground and building in the back which added a bit more depth. Also added shadows under the dumpsters. A detail likely lost is that, underneath the graffiti on the walls, there are areas of a lighter shade. This represents where the building owners painted over the last smattering of graffiti. Now to pose for ref for the mice, draw them and then get them in. I'll also have to make the curtain pages. I think this thing is now back on the schedule.


Behemoth media said...

That looks great! There is some banding on the street gradient.... something I have issues with as well when I use gradients. It doesn't take away from your drawing ,though. The graffiti fits really well and looks like a ton of work to get it all in there!

T' said...

The banding might be a result of having dumbed down the dpi from 300 to 100 for posting. Doesn't show up otherwise. You'd think by this day and age, we wouldn't have this problem. Might also have to adjust the colors a little.

Behemoth media said...

That makes sense. I have more issues with designer gradients than photo gradients. I think I read the next upgrades will be improving some of that.