Thursday, June 17, 2021

 After a lot of last minute and last-last minute changes, page 104 is done. The major mistake was that the center hand was originally pink, denoting it belonging to Smatt. Thing is, on the page before, had I bothered to pay attention, I -might- have noticed that Rooster was aiming a paint can right at the 'camera.' So, changed the colors of the hands and the letters. Then, only then I noticed that the top hand, now Smatt's, was the only one without a sleeve. So I had to redraw that. And recolor it. Planning. I hear it's a thing.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

It is so easy to forget things when you are into the flow of it. I do it all the time with animation because… I don’t plan any better than you most of the time!