Monday, June 14, 2021

 And so it starts. Spent the morning taking photos and drawing three fingered hands. With only a vague idea in mind, composition will be going on until the last moment. Will I need to draw a fill in image or can I make this work as is? No way to know but I do find that, while still challenging, especially because of the missing finger, I like drawing hands.


Behemoth media said...

The top 3 and bottom hands looks good to me the middle one seems a little off, the fingers look wrong somehow. At least to The others are holding tings or doing something active which might be making them look more interesting to me. I'm sure it will lead you somewhere good in the end!

T' said...

The middle one is holding a sharpie, only its tip showing. It'll be more obvious in color. :D

Behemoth media said...

That will make it clearer!