Thursday, June 24, 2021

When planning doesn't work, it doesn't mean it can't be saved. These were sketches and even a WIP of what was supposed to be page 105. And as I went along, I got a lot of graffiti down in AD and finally decided to scrap almost all of it. The second sketch has a "STR" that is in the final, but not of page 105. It will be page 107 as I needed more images of the mice creating this mural before we see it. It gives them time to bitch/sing and isn't so sudden. 

I was watching a live video of cartoonist Jeff Smith being interviewed last night and it made me both excited and sad. I remembered being in the comics world, of having dinner with him three times. I was excited because I really think I'm doing something new and different here, and worth something, but also sad because I felt so far removed from the whole thing. Still, moving slowly forward.


Behemoth media said...

Funny I never thought of how you draw the graffiti, and somehow in the back od my mind I think I thought it was done like actual graffiti which makes no sense at all. It looks too spontaneous to have bene so planned out!

T' said...

It's a totally different skill. While some writers do indeed have black books where they design stuff ahead of time, a lot of them just seem to do it as they've developed that spontaneous skill over time. I don't even think that way, in that style, so the whole thing is harder than I thought it would be. Then again, looking all over the world, there's room for just about any take on graffiti. I do get some likes from real graffiti artists over on Instagram, so that must mean something?

Behemoth media said...

It 100% counts for something! You are getting the essentials across and that work is paying off.