Thursday, June 03, 2021

 Thursdays are busy days. I have to do the grocery shopping, record the podcast and get a nap in there all before dinner! That being said, I can often get some art done in the evenings. After realizing I had to fix page 100, I started work on 102. I couldn't just use the graffiti as done in page 100 as AD still has no warp tools, something I hope they fix very, very soon. So I took the original sketch done in Procreate, warped it there and exported it again. The lettering was very tough to get right so it would fit that weird space. at the last moment, I felt there needed to be something else so warped the cinder block wall I'd made for page 100. Came together rather well, I hope. Small steps.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

I don't get the lack of dust tools at this point in Designer either. it's been a noticeable and complained about problem since it came out. 2.0 is fairly close but i thought this was a feature they wanted to solve before that. Still time, I guess. That new graffiti looks sort of creepy to me for some reason.. can't put a finger on it but it doesn't look friendly!