Thursday, June 02, 2022

 Had some time to develop the sketches a little further and I like how they turned out. Looking at the song to come, I'm not sure if he's the best fit, but perhaps I can actually show a softer side of him? We'll see. I think I've come too far NOT to use him and, technically, he has already appeared in the comic. He was in the coffee house in the overture. I'm sure I can figure something out.


Behemoth media said...

Maybe because I am a fan of “fire!” But I find him really appealing and this version of him is really “alive” to me. I won’t be complaining if he is given a bigger role in the project!

T' said...

Thank you, Vince. Very much appreciated. I really liked Osamu Tezuka's idea of having a cast of character 'actors' that one just uses over and over like a repertoire acting company. He's the guy who did Astro Boy and Kimba, among other things, and a lot of his characters, or at least their likenesses show up again and again. That's kind of what I'm doing here. And, I guess, it means that all my projects are connected. The rabbit waiter in the opening of "City Silent" is meant to be a grown up Harlon, so even he's connected. :D

Behemoth media said...

being more of a film nerd, I was introduced to using character over again with Orson wells who hired the same crew and actors over and over. I like that idea a lot. In my Animation work I reuse characters over and over, change the clothes, hair etc and keep the rest. Saves me a week of rigging and all that.