Wednesday, June 29, 2022

 Distraction! To be fair, this was done from a sketch I made at work as a demo. I had the pencil done already and was just 'painting' for anyone that wanted to watch, something I haven't done at work for over two years. When done, I had the gray scale version at the top thinking I'd take it home and see what I could do in AD to finish it. Last night, as I poked about with it in my head, I wonder about doing something with very low contrast, something I pretty much never do. The middle version was my first go but I wondered if I could push it even further. The lower one is that result. I like it, too but it's not for general consumption, I think, as it's just TOO hard to see. I don't even think it's printable. In a gallery, people would mostly pass over it, thinking it just a flat, brown canvas. Part of me likes that about it, but I wouldn't print that one, I think. The middle one is hard enough to see. Anyway, back to the comic.


Behemoth media said...

Interesting experiment. I bet if you could print them and display them it would go over well as long as the last one is even slightly visible. It would be art! Hard core art!

T' said...

I don't know that it's hardcore, but it was interesting to try. It would really test the printing service I use to get something useable out of this. And again, it's just an experiment. Thanks!

Behemoth media said...

Sorry, that might have been what you and Max call "a deeper". It's a quote from a John Water's film. right before Divine yells to a crowd "Who wants to die for art?" The she starts shooting people.

Val K said...

Love these! They really capture the mischievousness that is Grayson. Well done!