Friday, November 11, 2022

 Oh yah, this. I was in a mood to draw, to make something so started making this on my new iPad...which I had to return. After 30+ years of Apple equipment, this is the only time I've had to return something based on quality. The pencil would just quit drawing, erasing or otherwise interacting with Procreate. I tried everything I could; using different pencils, different tips, hard restarts and two different kind of restorations and the problem persisted. So I took it back. Luckily, I hadn't erased or traded in my old one yet so I'm still using that. The M2 was nice, don't get me wrong but I honestly don't know if I felt any real difference with what I'm doing. Anyway, tossed out this little doodle which was started on the new one, finished on the old one. A scribble, nothing more.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

My only real Apple product problem was the iMac that burst into flames a couple years back. Pretty much everything else has been great and I noticed my now unarguable laptop is 8 years old! I have been thinking and looking into a new one, maybe a MacBook air but if I can work will my M1 iPad... I would like to not have a laptop at all and have one less piece of tech around!