Tuesday, April 23, 2024

 I was looking through Instagram and came across something by Sainer Koloor, a painter I know almost nothing about. But I appreciate his very bold use of color. I've done some bright things in the past but I don't think I've had his kind of control over what I was doing. So I decided to try and keep the palette narrow but bright. And I think I really like it. One other thing I did was to not texturize the background at all, and I think I like that, too. Just glad I still like to experiment. Though really, it's all down to me getting bored.


Behemoth media said...

The black and white one looked like you immediately, this less so but it gets more attention for sure.

T' said...

Funny, as it's the same file with different colors. :D

Behemoth media said...

I think I might have trained myself to think black and white is just "more real" or something!