Friday, April 05, 2024

 Haven't touched the comic in months. I also came across an old post on FB where I apparently gave up comics for good four years ago, citing a lack of drive. Well, that didn't work out. I did finish the first half of "City Silent," so I guess I'd better finish it. Every year, the holidays take a little more out of me and it's harder to bounce back creatively. I did a couple portraits here and there but really nothing major. Last night, for the first time in awhile, I sketched some Silas stuff. It's not much but it's inching in the right direction. I got a surprise day off tomorrow so I'm going to try and at least start act 3 and get this thing going again. There is no way I'll finish by my original goal, before I'm 60 but that doesn't matter as long as I actually finish. Looking through it again, -I- like it and I can honestly say there's nothing else like it out there. That has to be worth something, even if it's only to me.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

Good think I wasn't working on before I am 60 deadline... I would have passed it! Now back to work! (Sound of whip cracking!)