Thursday, April 25, 2013

That last page of Biography went over fairly well, which makes me feel good. I think the third in the series is the strongest of the four personally but I'll take what I can get. Since I was playing with ArtRage, I decided I should play around a bit more with it. I haven't used it that much in the past partially, I think because it really needs a Cintiq type tablet to be used properly (though I think tons of people don't have one and use it just fine). So I grabbed a random character from the files and just started painting away, the goal being to make it a lot more 3D than my usual work. This is only a WIP shot, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. This is a dirt cheap program (I think there's still a free, less featured version) but it's grown and gives what I think are pretty nice results. It has the most 'real media' feeling of any program I've yet used. This image is being made with mostly just the paint and palette knife tools. I'll likely finish it tomorrow.


Behemoth media said...

can't way to see this done, you've really advanced quickly with the digital painting.

T' said...

I think part of the 'advancement' is a change of program. PS can do nearly everything, and that might be its problem for me. ArtRage seems more set up for folks to actually paint with and as such, it makes more sense to me. We'll see, but I don't know how I'd get the same result as this in PS. I know one CAN, I just don't have that kind of experience with it.

Behemoth media said...

that's like me with sketchbook pro, I'm much more pena drink, black and white oriented than you I think and that program really works for me in that regard. The advantage with sketchbook is I can go back and forth with photoshop to get the what I like from both.

T' said...

Haven't used that program. I could probably take the product of this and put it into PS and do other things with it, but I like its feeling of paint, something PS can't really do. We'll see how it goes. Haven't really done much with digital painting ever so this is a start.