Sunday, September 07, 2014

WIP of the next page of Ghiroy. It's nearly done, but I wanted to post something that wasn't the selfie project. I was worried that I'd left this comic behind, but it seems that all I needed was a little break from it. I also looked into some more current, younger folks' design work in the animation industry which goaded me into doing this. Really, the upper drawing is the direct result of this. It's more extreme than I usually draw but it helped me in the page. So I will continue Ghiroy. I just want to get to the action. That's going to be the real fun part for me to draw and the most fun. But I guess we have to have some plot first.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

glad you you are back into it! I want to see where this goes! I have even more drawings planned after my bike trip from here to Vermont friday to my friend's farm. Now to get the time to so some of them.