Friday, January 31, 2020

Been a minute or two since anything new. Schedule is thick these days and won't get any thinner for a couple weeks. That being said, I managed to get a portrait done before work today, another of my buddy Joey. He's a very animated speaker and almost none of the photos were totally in focus. That being the case, they were good enough for reference. The colors were sampled from a Rembrandt self portrait as I wanted those nice, warm browns. That being said, I think I adjust all of them anyway.


Behemoth media said...

Colours look good and I like it overall. The top of the head distracts me a little, it look, to me like he is wearing a hat or something the way the middle top of the hair is a solid line separating it from the hair on the sides. Probably just me seeing it weird though!

T' said...

I agree about the hair/hat and will likely add some hairs to differentiate it. You're not being weird; I thought the same thing after I posted it. I really should take a day or two before doing so as I always notice something.