Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Portrait of a friend. I was working on this, having taken a lot of photos on NYE. Last night, I was watching "Yellow Submarine" as it's the subject of an upcoming podcast episode and I realized that one of the styles I use for portraits is heavily influenced by the "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" sequence of the movie. While the movie as a whole didn't impress itself that heavily on my young brain (hadn't seen it in decades), there was a cell from that sequence for sale in an antiques shop in Harvard Square that I distinctly remember passing many times. I didn't buy it but something about it, though it annoyed me at the time, stuck with me. Reminds me a lot of Doufy's work. The looseness of the colors are fun and eye-catching which is why, after doing the more naturally colored version, I did the bright one. It was easy enough to do, what with the hard work of the sketch and inking done. That's one of the fun parts of digital work. Now to see if the subject likes it...

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