Thursday, March 07, 2024

 I went back and forth on this one a lot. Originally, I thought the shadows, especially on the arm were too vague and wouldn't be read as shadows. So I did a version, the second above, where I removed most of them. But it lacked some of the drama and made the subject look a bit too...large for my tastes. So I redid the shadows, tightened up the shirt and spots, his arm. And this time, I decided to leave the shadows in. The top version is the finished one. I retitled it, "The Comedian," removing the subject's name as this isn't the most complimentary portrait I've ever done. But I like the feeling with it and the fact that I did a bit more of my style of drawing on this one than usual.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

I agree, the shadows you included give it more impact.