One more for the evening. My partner thinks this version of the character is too cute, that he won't lend himself to any kind of heavier storyline. He might be right. And I suppose the design is somewhat watered down, derivative. But. I could see this on t-shirts and such. And I'm getting old enough that any kind of success with my artistic skills had better come soon or it won't come at all. Funny how much trouble a cartoon bunny can cause.
These are great as always.. ANY of these looks would work and none of them can insure commercial success. I think you just need to settle on one you keep with the entire project and just hope many people see it. Getting attention is key and it's pretty random what gets attention. Some things, like killing world leader or walking down the street naked will always get you noticed but not always in the want you may want. Finding an untapped niche can get attention too…it all means you have to take a risky stand on something maybe out of your comfort zone and more extreme and maybe not exactly fitting your personal tastes or exposing them to the public in an uncomfortable way… just thinking out loud. It's sort of advice John Waters used to give and I'm not sure he is the right person to take career advice from! his big success came from letting other people commercialize his least offensive work after decades of living in the fringes. I think he was in his 60's when "Hairspray" took off. Plus… who am I to talk success?
Thanks, Vince. Really, I appreciate any words in this regard. I don't have a lot of people to talk to so opinions are like gold when well thought out, even if you think you're just 'thinking out loud.' "Tamino" is my fringe work. Hell, "Fite" pretty much is as well. "Harlon" was the first thing I did that seemed to approach wide appeal. Part of it all is that I'm sick of working retail. Thanks again. I will definitely think about what you wrote.
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