Wednesday, September 27, 2017

I had a comment on one of the sites I post art that told me that viewers might not understand that the dog that appears three time in this page is the same character, moving through the crowd, making his way to the stage. To me, it's very clear but I'm not the audience. While I'm trying to do without panels (I've grown to dislike them for reasons I can't really explain), I thought about adding faint borders around Howard to better underline the idea that this is a few moments in time, not just one. I suppose I could have done some movement in the patrons besides Harlon serving drinks but I didn't want it to look too frantic. It's a quiet place before Howard gets up and starts his song/rant. So I threw together this version. I think it works, I just wonder if its necessary. If so, I don't mind it and can do it more later.


Behemoth media said...

Since you hate boxes, maybe he could be tinted another colour instead of putting a box around him? Since you hate boxes. I wasn't confused a tall but I am used to how you do things so maybe I am not the one to ask.

T' said...

Well, I thought that having the one character be the only one highlighted, and wearing the same clothes was enough, but I don't have a regular audience, so I really don't know. I don't mind the boxes in this case as they're not really panels.