Friday, September 15, 2017

What are the odds? A second page in the same day. As it turns out, I was finally kind to myself in the thumbnails and only had a close up of Howard for this one. I did take some extra time to really render the jacket and shirt and his face, because it was so simple was really hard to get right. It would have been much easier to use a lot more lines to hide possible mistakes in there. There's a theory that Scott McLeod wrote about in "Understanding Comics" that deals with highly rendered props and backgrounds next to the usual kind of manga face, the idea being that the reader can better insert themselves as the characters are that much more vague, though still strongly represented. Maybe that's what I'm doing here. Regardless, the verses are going to come more than one at a time after this. But still, it was nice to get a second page done. Next one will likely be a pain.

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